Baron and Baroness

Photo of Baron and Baroness in garb and wearing coronets.

The Barony of the Flame is one of the oldest baronies in the Middle Kingdom, our history stretching back to the mid-1970s. Our first Baroness, Cordelia Tichy, served for many years in a variety of offices, setting a splendid example of service for all to follow. Her best-known Baron was Sir David de Kunstenaar, a man of great prowess and courage. Master Sir Lothair von Drachenstein and Lady Isadora next held the appointment, expanding the Barony and serving as grand examples of fine leadership. Their Excellencies Erick der Rotnacken and Camilla de la Reynarde were next in the lineage and provided exemplary service to both populace and Kingdom. Baron Jaime and Baroness Eleanor von Atzinger have been pillars of learning and service in our Barony to this day as they continue to encourage and teach others. Our most recent Excellencies, Baron Gustav and Baroness Marissa von Atzinger, championed the Flame through the dark days of the plague, encouraging us to continue our growth, despite the distance between each other. 

We, Baron Casimir von Dansk and Baroness Astridr Asastirr, welcome you to the Barony of the Flame. Our Barony is renowned across the Known World for our talented and supportive populace, running some of the longest running events in the Middle Kingdom. We strive to welcome all newcomers and provide them with the tools to learn and develop their persona as well as themselves. We encourage you to get involved at practices and local events, and broaden your experience by traveling to neighboring lands and trying new things! The Flame is home to multiple members of Peerages including Knights (Chivalry), Pelicans (Service), and Laurels (Arts and Sciences) – all are interested in sharing their knowledge and supporting other members. We aim to advance the cumulative knowledge and skills of the Barony of Flame, and see our populace learn and grow, and we hope to support you on your own journey in the SCA. Please let us know how we can help!

Casimir and Astridr, Baron & Baroness Flame