
Archery is one of the most popular activities in the SCA. In keeping with the SCA’s historical theme, archers must use feather fletched wooden arrows or crossbow bolts and may use only longbows, re-curves or crossbows. No compound bows are allowed and crossbows may not be the modern “high-tech” ones that hunters use. Archers can participate in in combat archery or target archery.

The Barony of the Flame was one of the first groups in the Midrealm to be awarded the Dragon’s Flight, which is the Kingdom’s group archery award.

There will be archery practice on a weekly basis, weather permitting.  See the sidebar on the right for times and locations.

Combat archers are welcome to come to the practice as well, but please let Bucky know so she can bring appropriate targets.

Archery rules and regulations –
Middle Kingdom:
Society Combat Archery:
Society Target Archery: