Welcome to the Barony of the Flame, located in the Middle Kingdom (Midrealm). We are part of the Society for Creative Anachronism, and we are pleased that you have found us!
If you are new to the SCA, please check out our resources and information for newcomers, including our various means of communication within the Barony.
You can find information for our Baronial Officers, Activities (including an event calendar), and our Newsletters on our website!
Baronial Meeting
The monthly Baronial meeting is usually held at 2:00 PM on the 3rd Sunday of each month. Please check the calendar for the exact date because sometimes it moves because of an event. If you prefer to join the meeting via Zoom, please email the Seneschal or find the Zoom link on the Baronial Facebook Page and Baronial Discord Server.
Weekly Practice
Monday practices begin at 7:00PM:
Practice will be in the large community center located at:
Saint John Paul II Parish
3521 Goldsmith Ln.
Louisville, KY 40220
Fighter Practice / Choir Directions via Google Maps
Please join us for Martial practice including: Armored and Rapier, Medieval Choir, Target Archery and more!
Find us on Social Media at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/33911276888/
Our Discord is https://discord.gg/82uMA3yxeH
Dance Practice
Come learn historical dances with the Barony! Check our calendar for dance practice dates and locations.
Baronial Mailing List
If you would like to be on the Baronial mailing list, please send an email to please email the Seneschal to be added.