

Archers of the Midrealm!

Bring your bows & crossbows with you to our event, we now offer something for everyone.  So, knaves and knights, bards and barons, and archers near and far, clear your calendars, travel to the Kingdom’s Southern borders and join in our adventure.

The range will be open from 11am – 4pm.

King’s Challenge:

An opportunity to best the king’s score.  His Majesty will loose six arrows at a regular 60 cm target.  To become one of his Merry Band of Archers, all you need to do is beat his score.  A donation of a non-perishable food item, per attempt, for our local charity is the cost and you can compete several times.

Once his Majesty has posted his score, his competition may begin.


Keeping in the theme of Robin Hood, the targets will feature the famous adversaries.  There will be three rounds for this competition, with one being a speed round. It may be wise to bring up to a dozen arrows or bolts, if you have them.  A donation of children’s hat and glove sets for our charity is appreciated, and the competition may only be shot once per archer.  A beautiful custom built archers chair is being donated by The Abby for the winner.

The Friend/Foe shoot will run throughout the day to allow you to be involved in multiple competitions.

 Lady Bucky and Lord Edgar